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Semester in review: Changes in the school

By Daniel Lin Dec. 8, 2021

Xintong Zhao Art

As the semester draws to a close, a look back on school life and activities reveals many changes on campus and in academics.

For example, in order to minimize the spread of COVID-19, students and staff are required to wear a face-covering at all times, unless they are eating or participating in Physical Education.

However, for students in wind ensemble and concert band classes, the mask mandate hinders their ability to play instruments. Freshman Luke Hamilton, who is in concert band, finds it frustrating that whenever he wants to perform, he must wear a special type of mask that is designed to allow him to play his instrument while covering the majority of his face, hindering his ability to produce good tone quality.

“Revised grading policies...give students a more equitable learning environment.”

Another new change is the revised grading policies, implemented to give students a more equitable learning environment. Students can not receive a grade lower than 50% on assignments, and if they score lower than 70% on assessments, they can retake them for up to 70%. Such changes were intended to make it easier for students to maintain higher grades and accurately reflect their learning.

The school also changed the bell schedule: due to a California state law that prohibited high schools from starting earlier than 8:00 a.m, the school start time was pushed from 7:55 a.m. to 8:30 a.m.

“The later start times means we get out of school later. Consequently, many of my friends do not get home until 5:00 p.m. because of extracurricular activities. I would rather go to school early than come home late,” Sophomore Aniket Mittal said.

Several school-wide changes have been made this semester, garnering both support and opposition. Next semester, the same changes will remain in place in hopes of providing students with a safe environment.


About the Contributors

Daniel Lin

Staff Writer

Daniel Lin is a sophomore at Leland High School and a Staff Writer for The Charger Account. During his free time, he enjoys learning about new things and playing video games.

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