About Us

Our role in the community is to inform, educate, and investigate the events occurring within Leland’s community and beyond. 3200 parents and students read the newspaper every issue. Our goal is to have stories read and talked about—and to have a positive impact on the community.
Who We Are
We are a non-profit, student-run newspaper located at Leland High School, a member of the San Jose Unified School District (SJUSD) in San Jose, California. The Charger Account is produced by Leland High School's Advanced Journalism class and we publish six print issues throughout the academic school year.
We submit our publication to the American Scholastic Press Association (ASPA) and the Columbia Scholastic Press Association (CSPA) annually.
In regards to our online presence, we have published our website in May of 2020 for the 2020 May Issue. We will strive to publish timely and relevant news articles in the future. We also have an Instagram @lelandchargeraccount and a Facebook page.
In addition to the social media above, you can also reach us at lelandchargeraccount@gmail.com.
Editorial Policy
The ideas and opinions expressed in articles categorized as columns or editorials represent over half of The Charger Account staff but do not represent the views and beliefs of any particular staff member
Error Policy
Readers can notify The Charger Account to any errors in print by emailing us at lelandchargeraccount@gmail.com. We will acknowledge our mistakes in our next issue. For any errors found online, please fill out this form. We will make and note the appropriate edits within a week of receiving a form submission.