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Comp Sci

Javier GomezTagle and Kathy Xing

Although Computer Science Education Week found that two-thrids of projected new jobs in SEM will involve computing, only three percent of high school students in Calif. took a computer science class in 2017...

Get Schooled

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Nicole Kim

Comp Sci

Javier GomezTagle and Kathy Xing

The accessibility of computer science

Although Computer Science Education Week found that two-thrids of projected new jobs in SEM will involve computing, only three percent of high school students in Calif. took a computer science class in 2017...

Visual Arts (Nov)

Meghna Chandrasekar and Grace Li

Determining tje quality of art through standardized testing

Studies by the Brooking Institution and the Arts Education Partnership show that artistic programs contribute to a c=postive school culture and bolster performance in other subjects such as reading and...

English (Sep)

Andrew Kuo and Keerthana Ramaswamy

A case for the Liberal Arts

Major universities with tight budgets typically axe humanities departments first. According to The Guardian, the State University of New York Stony Brook no longer offers...

Math (Dec-Jan)

Kelly Cui

America remains below average in math

The Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), a study conducted every three years by the organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), measures 15-year-old studennts' performance in reading, science and mathematics to evaluate...

Foreign Language (Oct)

Serena Atkinson and Ashley Lee

Early learning of foreign language bolsters communication skills

Before coming to the school, Sophomore Victoria Nguyen attended an elementary and middle school where every student was requires to take...

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